Zulfikar Ali Zakir Khan, a 25-year-old young man from Padwa village, located on the banks of Mokeshwar Dam, a small village at the end of Vadgam taluka, runs a welding shop for a living. He works continuously but does not get the kind of business that small villages need. He is making good use of the time he saves, using his skills, tools and time to make these cars. He has been doing this work for the past two years. He has made this car in a vintage look. It took about one and a half to two months to make the car and it cost about 3.50 lakh to 4 lakh to make this car. This car can be used for private use as well as hobbies. This car also generates good income, which can be used for any wedding, wedding, etc. programs. This is a battery-powered car and runs at less than 25 kilometers per hour, so it does not require RTO registration. And since it runs on battery, there is no cost involved in this, only the battery has to be charged at home. Once charged, it gives a range of 100 kilometers from AC. Three-four such cars have been made before. Ghori Zulfikar Ali has learned all this work himself in a small shop and he does this work single-handedly. He has not done any engineering or any study to do this work, but with his skill, enthusiasm and hard work, he has made this work easy. Earlier, when he made the first car, it took about two years, but now the car is ready in a very short time. They are still trying to make cars in an even shorter period of time. Zulfikar Ali does not have a big factory, but he has his own small welding shop, where he has learned and prepared all the components.
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